Mum44tops's ShopAverage Rating2.33(based on 9 reviews)German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resourcesEdit shopAdd a resource
mum44topsAn assembly for alcohol awareness week 14th - 20th November 2016(0)This can be used as an assembly / in PSHE lessons or by tutor groups to raise awareness about alcohol
mum44tops10 rules to live by(0)L.O: to start to look at the moral choices that we make and the rules that we live by
mum44topsWhy Study Languages?(0)Power point to have running at open days / parents and options evening. Informative as to benefits of language learning.
mum44tops2017 New Year assembly - including Chinese New Year and also what the new year means to students(0)An assembly for back to school and the New Year. It includes lots about the Chinese New Year and then several slides on what new year means to students - turning over a new leaf; improved behaviour / attitude / better progress
mum44topsE safety power point - assembly(0)L.O. To understand the importance of using new technologies responsibly E safety message for the whole school - KS3 or 4
mum44topsWorld Aids Day Presentation(0)World Aids Day - 1st December 2016 Good as an assembly / tutor time resource or for PSHE Informative with links to more information about Aids and HIV
mum44topsGet inspired(0)An assembly to encourage students to discover their greatness and to be inspired by famous people, from the past, that have achieved great things.